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Call 01206 79 2001 for more information

Home Sales Products

For orders & Enquiries, contact Sales on:

Tel: 01206 79 2001
Fax: 01206 79 2022
Email: mike@lintels.co

Sales Manager:
Mr Mike Polley

You can also drop by our factory and talk directly to one of our sales or technical staff for advice!

Product & Service Range

What we do (product and service range)

We are a dedicated manufacturer of steel lintels and similar products. We are a 'just in time' manufacturer, meaning most products are made to order. This enables us to offer an enormous range of products but with short lead times. Other mass production manufacturers produce high volumes of a few standard lintels, whereas because of our manufacturing process significantly more of our business is in larger or heavier duty lintels and other non-standard lintels.

This website is dedicated to our well established range of galvanised lintels. We offer the largest range of standard galvanised lintels in the UK. We can also manufacture these products in grades 304 or 316 stainless steel, but if you’re looking for stainless lintels, we recommend you visit our dedicated stainless site by clicking below.
We now use a modern high strength stainless steel, LDX 2101, instead of the old grade 304. LDX 2101 is 2.3x stronger than 304, more corrosion resistant and more economic than 304. So we have a large new range of designs especially for manufacture in LDX 2101 that we don’t make in 304, because the published loads would not hold if we did.


How long it takes (product lead time)

We are able to deliver most standard Lintels in 2-5 days.
Special designs require the client to approve drawings prior to commencing manufacture.
Drawings for individual lintels usually take around two days to issue, but complex designs or developments with larger numbers of special lintels can take several weeks to detail.

Where we deliver

The lead time includes deivery. Normally 1-2 days may be saved by collecting the order from the factory. We have daily dispatches to Greater London and home counties, and delivery once or twice a week to the farther reaches of the UK.
If you order through your local builder's merchant, we can either deliver to their yard or direct to you.

How to order lintels:

You can order direct from us, or go through your local stockist of our products (see below).

Orders placed directly with us may be Account or paid by cash, cheque or credit or debit card. (Note: we do not currently accept American Express)

Non-account holders will be required to pay for their order prior to dispatch.

Orders must be written - either fax, email or mail, and may refer to the quote if relevent. Please ensure you have the invoice and delivery addresses correct on the order.

Special lintels usually require the customer to approve the design prior to commencing manufacture, this is only to ensure the fit of the lintel and guard against the possibility of drawing misinterpretation - we do all the calculations for load etc as required.

A detailed description of the ordering process can be downloaded in PDF form via the links to the right.

Promotion Image

Ordering procedure >

Sales Terms & Conditions >

Our Factory Address:

Harvey Steel Lintels Ltd
Commerce Way
Whitehall Ind. Estate
Colchester CO2 8HH

Click here for map >

Buying through your local stockist:

Because of our huge range, and our practice of manufacturing to order, most smaller stockists will not hold standard stock of our lintels, they need to be ordered. Larger stockists will generally hold stock of what they consider to be the more popular products and sizes in our range, this generally constitutes a tiny fraction of our complete range.

In all cases however the stockist can order from us on your behalf, and because they usually recieve our stockist discount the price to you will be the same as ordering direct from us. The lead time is also unaffected!

A list of our resellers is shown right, follow the link to their site to find your local branch.


Travis Perkins >>
Keyline Builders Merchants >>
Buildbase Builders Merchants >>
(Including Cooper Clarke & CTS DIY)
Buildbase Civils & Lintels >>
Chandlers Building Supplies >>
Joseph Parr Group >>
Parker Building Supplies >>
Jewsons >>
Local Building Supplies >>
MKM Building Supplies >>
AL Lintels (Batavon) Ltd. >>
Wolseley Centers >>
Owen Tatton (website unavailable)
Atspeed >>